TraMod PRODUCT | Keeping Past, Moving Toward Today

Interaction between tradition and modernity is a problem among societies which are looking for culture and identity and not only architects and interior designers, but also fashion and product designers are searching some solutions for this problem

Studio ZaDesign is one of these young design studios which identity, culture and creativity are their main displines for their productions

ZaDesign founded by Farzad Naghibzadeh, focuses on the relationship between project and user and believes on another aspect of tradition and modernity in their projects

If we do not translate tradition to the old and modernity to the new, we come to this conclusion that they are not opposite of each other. They make and complete each other, we just must add time to the soul of this process. Surely identity and tradition has a relationship with the past, but this past is not the complete meaning of the identity, Farzad says

He continues, The meaning of the past and traditions have different layers which are inside us and forgetting them is harder than their usages. Translating them to the contemporary language is the main solution

One of the recent product designs of ZaDesign Studio is called "OLAH". OLAH means something which lives, goes up and disappears and ZaDesign has tried to have a form of ancient animal, as pattern of this meaning, in a modern format but this is not just a product, it`s a platform of a time

This meaning is important and must stay for periods of time and maybe forever, but the form, materials and the way of making can be changed. The idea is important, being and living for a time, going up and disappearing and living again in a new form or format. A platform of a time, keeping past and moving toward today

Interaction or combination between tradition and modernity was one of the other questions of this product. ZaDesign believes that, it must be interaction and this interaction must contains internal and meaning factors and not just the facts that are related to the appearance


Images Ⓒ ZA Design